Top countries that require proof of onward travel

which countries require proof of onward travel

While most international travel looks like a simple and straightforward process, some countries require proof of onward travel from their visitors.

So, which countries require the onward ticket, and why is this type of documentation essential? Read on to discover more about this important topic that can save you a ton of stress, money, and time.

Why do some countries require proof of onward travel?

Proof of onward travel is a document that confirms a traveler will be leaving the country on a certain date, either going back home or traveling to the following country.

Do all countries require proof of onward travel? No. However, a significant number of nations today have their immigration authorities asking for proof of onward travel because of two primary reasons:

  • To control immigration: Proof of onward travel helps prevent illegal immigration.
  • To control tourism: There are visitors that tend to overstay their welcome, mounting pressure on the country’s tourism sector.

So, when a country asks for proof of onward travel, it strives to have greater control of its immigration and tourism sectors.

Which countries require proof of onward travel?

Different countries implement the proof of onward travel policy differently. While the enforcement may not be the same, below are some notable countries that will definitely require you to provide an onward ticket:

  1. United States of America: The USA strictly enforces the proof of onward travel. The visitor must show their intention to return to their home country or travel to another country.
  2. United Kingdom: Although not strictly enforced, the UK asks for proof of onward travel, especially if you’re from certain countries.
  3. Brazil: Brazil constantly checks for proof of onward travel. Visitors coming here for a visa application must have evidence of not overstaying in the country.
  4. Peru: Even visitors coming from visa-exempt countries need to have proof of onward travel when visiting Peru.
  5. New Zealand: New Zealand requires proof of onward travel from all of its visitors, with no exemption.
  6. Philippines: The Philippines is strict about proof of onward travel and consistently checks for it.
  7. Indonesia: With popular tourist destinations like Bali in Indonesia, the country often requires one to have proof of onward travel.
  8. Costa Rica: Costa Rica enforces this requirement at their airports.
  9. Thailand: Although inconsistent, Thailand often requires proof of onward travel.
  10. Japan: Japan typically asks for proof of onward travel.

Important note: The above list is not complete. Remember to check for requirements in a particular country before your trip, as they can change with time.

How to obtain proof of onward travel – introducing Fast Onward Tickets

To secure a smooth and safe journey, it’s better to have this documentation ready while traveling.

So, how does one obtain proof of onward travel? Fast Onward Tickets is your proven solution. Our onward ticket service offers a quick and secure way to get proof of onward travel for all your travels. 

In less than a minute, you can generate a genuine-looking onward ticket without committing to some expensive flight tickets that you might end up not using.

Many travelers all over the world opt for onward tickets from due to the following platform’s benefits:

  1. Speed: Get your onward ticket in less than a minute.
  2. Flexibility: Perfect for travelers with open-ended plans.
  3. Cost-effective: Avoid purchasing expensive flight tickets you may not use.
  4. Reliability: Our tickets are genuine-looking as they’re based on real flight details.
  5. Peace of mind: Travel confidently, knowing you have the required documentation.

Even though not all countries will ask for proof of onward travel, keep in mind that popular destinations will surely do. Instead of wondering which countries require a return ticket, always having this document with you will help make your travel experience smoother and simpler.

Don’t let proof of onward travel requirements catch you off guard. Create a dummy flight ticket on today and ensure you’re well-prepared for your next adventure!