Differences between return and onward tickets: which one do you need?

Differences between return and onward tickets

Many countries require an onward or return ticket to let you enter or as part of a visa application. However, you should be careful about which exact type of ticket your destination country demands because they are not the same. What is return flight? What is onward flight? And, finally, what are the differences between […]

Proof of onward travel: everything you need to know for a safe trip

what is proof of onward travel

At some point, every person who travels a lot experiences a situation of being required proof of onward travel. Proof of onward travel is necessary to enter a number of countries and is sometimes part of visa application. If the concept of onward travel is new to you, read on. In this guide, we’re providing […]

How to get flight reservation for visa without payment: 5 proven ways

how to get flight reservation for visa without payment

Flight itinerary, round-trip flight tickets, proof of onward travel, proof of return ticket, or whatever consulates may call it, flight reservation is required when applying for a visa across many countries, including United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Schengen Area countries (e.g., Germany, France, Italy, Spain), Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Argentina, and others. The great […]